


Case Results

A Winning History




Like most attorneys, we like to win…and we win a lot. We consistently get criminal charges dismissed or reduced, avoid incarceration for our clients, and keep their criminal records clean. Successful defense attorneys are not afraid to push cases to trial but know when to negotiate or settle cases to obtain the best possible outcome. In addition to the countless reduced charges, stays of adjudications, continuances for dismissal, suspensions of prosecution, continuances without prosecution, and petty misdemeanor resolutions we’ve obtained for our clients, here is a small sample of our recent case results:

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Federal Mail Obstruction
(US v. RS)





Federal misdemeanor dismissed.

Retail Shoplifting
(State v. TM)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Misdemeanor Theft
(State v. DP)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Gross Misdemeanor Criminal Neglect of Child
(State v. CB)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs
(State v. VW)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Felony Drug Possession
(In the Matter of the Welfare of RK)





Case dismissed. Stearns County.

Domestic Assault
(State v. CH)





Case dismissed. Hennepin County.

Domestic Assault
(State v. MB)





Case dismissed. Hennepin County.

Misdemeanor Theft
(State v. RB)





Case dismissed. Carver County.

Domestic Assault
(State v. NM)





Case dismissed. Hennepin County.

Marijuana Possession
(State v. AB)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Domestic Assault
(State v. ML)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Damage to Property
(State v. DR)





Case dismissed. Hennepin County.

Domestic Assault
(State v. MA)





Case dismissed. Hennepin County.

Drug Parahernalia
(State v. LK)





Case dismissed. Ramsey County.

Felony Theft
( State v. PO)





Case dismissed. Washington County.

Falsely Reporting a Crime
(State v. MB)




Case dismissed. Washington County.

Domestic Assault – Fear & Harm
(State v. MS)

Client charged with two counts of domestic assault and one count of disorderly conduct. The State demanded a guilty plea and conviction for domestic assault. The Client took his case to trial and we convinced the jury he was not guilty of domestic assault. The jury convicted Client of disorderly conduct. The case sent a clear message to the prosecution that when they offer nothing, we will take a case to trial and force them to prove their case. Here, the client got a better outcomes after a jury trial than if he pleaded guilty pre-trial.

  • NOT GUILTY on two counts of Domestic Assault
Obstruction of Process & Disorderly Conduct
(State v. OH)

Client was charged with being disorderly and interfering with police duties. His car was being towed for being parked illegally. The Client disputed this and an argument started. When the police arrived, the Client tried explaining his side but the police wouldn’t listen. They grabbed him and forced him to the ground in handcuffs. At trial, the jury agreed the Client was not disorderly, and that the police overstepped their bounds.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Fifth Degree Assault & Disorderly Conduct
(State v. MI)

Client was accused of brawling and assaulting a co-worker. At trial, through skilled cross-examination, the alleged victim was called out on her inconsistencies and lies. The jury acquitted the Client of all counts.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Domestic Assault & Disorderly Conduct
(State v. MB)

Client was charged with domestic assault, accused of abusing his girlfriend. The Client maintained his innocence from the beginning. Despite “he said, she said” evidence that was shaky, the prosecutor demanded the case go to trial, and even added on more charges out of spite. The Client faced three separate charges going to trial but refused to back down. The jury found the State’s case not credible and acquitted the Client after only 30 minutes of deliberation.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Fifth Degree Assault, Damage to Property & Disorderly Conduct
(State v. BS)

Client was accused of being drunk, disorderly, assaulting another person, and breaking a cell phone. Despite eyewitness accounts that the Client did not do these things, the State demanded the Client plead guilty. We refused. After a three-day trial, the jury found the Client NOT GUILTY on all counts after 15 minutes of deliberation. We successfully cross-examined the police officers and exposed their biases against the Client.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Third Degree & Fourth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
(State v. AM)

Client was charged with sexually abusing multiple victims in a massage therapy studio. The case’s main issue was whether the Client’s massage technique was industry standard or crossed the line into inappropriate. At trial, the Client was found NOT GUILTY of three counts: Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct and two counts of Fourth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.  The Client was found guilty of two other counts.  By fighting his charges, Client avoided a conviction of the most serious charge and received only 30 days of jail rather than going to prison.

  • NOT GUILTY of Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
  • NOT GUILTY of Fourth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct (2 counts)
Fifth Degree Assault & Disorderly Conduct
(State v. BS)

Client was accused of punching a girl in Minneapolis after a long night of drinking and being disorderly in the streets. The alleged victim’s account to police was not believable. Rather than accept the fact it’s case was weak, the State demanded the Client plead guilty. We refused. At trial, the Client testified and told the jury he  never committed these crimes. The alleged victim testified and we successfully cross-examined her, causing the jury to doubt her claims and ultimately find the Client NOT GUILTY on all counts.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Third Degree & Fifth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
(State v. TW)

Client was charged with Third Degree and Fifth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. He was accused of rape. The Client proclaimed his innocence from the beginning but the State refused to listen. The prosecution wanted a felony conviction and sex offender registration for our client.  We refused. At trial, we successfully showcased all of the State’s weaknesses and poked holes in the prosecution’s case theory. The jury found the alleged victim not credible and acquitted the Client on of all charges.


Client avoids a felony conviction and does not have to register as a predatory sex offender.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Felony Threats of Violence & Felony Domestic Assault by Strangulation
(State v. PW)

Client was charged with felony threats of violence, felony domestic assault by strangulation, and domestic assault. The State demanded the Client plead guilty to a felony and serve jail time. We refused. A jury found the Client NOT GUILTY of both felony counts but convicted of the domestic assault charge. The Client avoided a felony conviction – a far better outcome than what the State pushed for.

  • NOT GUILTY of Felony Threats of Terror
  • NOT GUILTY of Felony Domestic Assault by Strangulation
Fourth Degree DWI
(State v. JR)

Client was charged with Fourth Degree DWI (driving under the influence) and Fourth Degree DWI (operating with a blood-alcohol concentration over .08). The Client’s blood-alcohol test was a .11 – well over the .08 legal limit. The prosecutor’s offer to resolve the case was unreasonable so we took the case to trial. A jury found the Client NOT GUILTY of all counts. We successfully convinced the jury that the State’s evidence was weak, the arresting officer was not entirely credible, and the breath test was not proven to be reliable.

  • NOT GUILTY on all counts
Domestic Assault
(State v. RR)




Client pleaded guilty to and was convicted of domestic assault. Since his conviction, he turned his life around by earning a GED, Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, and finally a Master’s Degree. The court granted our petition to seal his domestic assault conviction in Olmsted County. Client gets a clean slate.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Felony Drug Possession
(State v. AM)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for felony drug possession was granted in Dakota County. Client is able to get a fresh start.

  • Expungement GRANTED
(State v. AV)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor solicitation of prostitution was granted in Ramsey County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. NW)




We got Client’s domestic assault charges dismissed. Our petition to then seal Client’s record was granted in Washington County.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Wrongfully Obtaining Public Assistance (Welfare Fraud)
(State v. SD)




Client had convictions for wrongfully obtaining public assistance, disorderly conduct, and damage to property that were holding her back. Our petitions to seal all records were granted in Ramsey County.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Theft (4 separate convictions)
(State v. NP)




Our petition to seal Client’s FOURT separate theft convictions for shoplifting were granted in Hennepin County. We convinced the court that Client was young and immature but has since become a positive, law-abiding citizen with goals of becoming a nurse.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Felony Drug Possession
(State v. JM)




We secured a dismissal of our Client’s felony drug possession charge through her completion of a diversion program.  Our petition to then seal Client’s record was granted in Washington County. Client is able to get clean slate and a fresh start.

  • Expungement GRANTED
(State v. SH)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor theft was granted in Hennepin County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Disorderly Conduct
(State v. JF)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor disorderly conduct was granted in Ramsey County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
(State v. IC)




Our petition to seal Client’s dismissed misdemeanor theft charge was granted in Hennepin County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Theft
(State v. CG)




We got Client’s misdemeanor theft charge dismissed. Our petition to then seal Client’s dismissed record was granted in Washington County.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Terroristic Threats (Threats of Violence)
(State v. TT)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for gross misdemeanor threats of violence (terroristic threats) was granted in Ramsey County. Client got a second chance and was able to start fresh in the job market.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Careless Driving
(State v. PD)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor careless driving (amended from an original DWI charge) was granted in Ramsey County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. SK)




Our petition to seal Client’s dismissed charges for misdemeanor domestic assault was granted in Isanti County. Client is able to get a fresh start.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Gross Misdemeanor Property Damage
(State v. KJ)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for gross misdemeanor damage to property conviction was granted in Hennepin County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. HB)




We got Client’s domestic assault charges dismissed and then petitioned to have them sealed from public view.  Our petition was granted in Hennepin County. Client was not only vindicated by having the charges dismissed but now has the benefit of a clean slate on background checks.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. AM)




We got Client’s domestic assault charge dismissed in St. Louis County.  We then filed for an expungement to seal Client’s record that was granted. Client’s job in the health field was not affected.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. HB)




We got Client’s domestic assault charges dismissed and then petitioned to have them sealed from public view.  Our petition was granted in Hennepin County. Client was not only vindicated by having the charges dismissed but now has the benefit of a clean slate on background checks.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. AM)




We got Client’s domestic assault charge dismissed in St. Louis County.  We then filed for an expungement to seal Client’s record that was granted. Client’s job in the health field was not affected.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Felony Theft
(State v. TL)




Our received a stay of adjudication on a felony theft charge in Carver County.  Once the charge was dismissed, we petitioned to seal Client’s record and the court granted our petition. Client is able to get a clean slate with no felony on record.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Marijuana Possession & Minor Consumption
(State v. AQ)




Our petition to seal Client’s convictions for petty misdemeanor marijuana possession and misdemeanor minor consumption (underage drinking) was granted in Blue Earth County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Falsely Reporting a Crime
(State v. AK)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor falsely reporting a crime was granted in Dakota County. We convinced the court that client has turned his life around and deserved to have this record sealed from public view.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Marijuana Possession and Drug Paraphernalia
(State v. NC)




Client had petty misdemeanor convictions for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia in Le Sueur and Nicollet Counties.  Our petitions to seal Client’s convictions were both granted.

  • Expungements GRANTED
Domestic Assault
(State v. KB)




We got client’s domestic assault charge dismissed.  We then filed for an expungement that was granted in St. Louis County (Duluth). Client was able to seal her public record so that it would not affect her nursing career.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Hit & Run
(State v. AA)




We successfully obtained a dismissal for our client’s misdemeanor hit and run charge.  We then filed for an expungement.  Our petition to seal Client’s dismissed record conviction was granted in Ramsey County.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Fifth Degree Assault
(State v. GG)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor assault conviction was granted in Hennepin County. A clean slate for our client.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Third Degree Burglary
(State v. PW)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for gross misdemeanor burglar conviction was granted in Hennepin County.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Prostitution
(State v. AV)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor prostitution conviction was granted in Ramsey County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Domestic Assault
(State v. PA)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor domestic assault conviction was granted in Hennepin County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Criminal Damage to Property
(State v. DR)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor criminal damage to property conviction was granted in Hennepin County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Prostitution
(State v. AV)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor prostitution conviction was granted in Ramsey County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Misdemeanor Domestic Assault
(State v. CP)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for misdemeanor domestic assault conviction was granted in Washington County. Client is able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs and housing without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Petty Misdemeanor Theft
(State v. DJ)




Our petition to seal Client’s conviction for petty misdemeanor theft was granted. Client able to get a fresh start and apply for jobs without having this blemish on file.

  • Expungement GRANTED
Domestic Assault – Fear & Harm
(State v. MS)

Client charged with two counts of domestic assault and one count of disorderly conduct. The State demanded a guilty plea and conviction for domestic assault. The Client took his case to trial and we convinced the jury he was not guilty of domestic assault. The jury convicted Client of disorderly conduct. The case sent a clear message to the prosecution that when they offer nothing, we will take a case to trial and force them to prove their case. Here, the client got a better outcomes after a jury trial than if he pleaded guilty pre-trial.

  • NOT GUILTY on two counts of Domestic Assault
If You Need a Top Minnesota Criminal Lawyer Call 312-338-5007



With offices in Minneapolis and Stillwater, Minnesota, Keyser Law, P.A. handles cases throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area including:




Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, Chanhassen, Corcoran, Crystal, Dayton, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Edina, Excelsior, Golden Valley, Greenfield, Greenwood, Hanover, Hopkins, Independence, Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Grove, Maple Plain, Medicine Lake, Medina, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minnetrista, Mound, New Hope, Orono, Osseo, Plymouth, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Rockford, Rogers, Shorewood, Spring Park, St. Anthony Village, St. Bonifacius, St. Louis Park, Wayzata, Woodland and Hassan Township.



Afton, Bayport, Birchwood Village, Cottage Grove, Dellwood, Forest Lake, Grant, Hugo, Lake Elmo, Lake St. Croix Beach, Lakeland Shores, Lakeland, Landfall, Mahtomedi, Marine on St. Croix, Newport, Oak Park Heights, Oakdale, Pine Springs, Scandia, St. Marys Point, St. Paul Park, Stillwater, Willernie, White Bear Lake, Woodbury, Baytown, Denmark, Grey Cloud Island, May, West Lakeland, Garen and Point Douglas.


Arden Hills, Blaine, Falcon Heights, Gem Lake, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Maplewood, Mounds View, New Brighton, North Oaks, North St. Paul, Roseville, Shoreview, St. Anthony, St. Paul, Spring Lake Park, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake and White Bear Lake Township.


Andover, Anoka, Bethel, Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbia Heights, Columbus, Coon Rapids, East Bethel, Fridley, Ham Lake, Hilltop, Lexington, Lino Lakes, Nowthen, Oak Grove, Ramsey and St. Francis.


Apple Valley, Burnsville, Coates, Eagan, Farmington, Hampton, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Lilydale, Mendota, Mendota Heights, Miesville, New Trier, Northfield, Randolph, Rosemount, South St. Paul, Sunfish Lake, Vermillion and West St. Paul.