A sex crime conviction is unlike most other crimes. All criminal records are public, but individuals who are convicted of sex crimes also have to register as a sex offender. The sex offender registry is a separate, public list that not only comes with its own particular stigma, but also additional restrictions regarding things like where you can live and what jobs you can have in the future. Not surprisingly, most people would like to avoid them if they could.

The college football season has come to a close, but the University of Minnesota’s team is still making headlines – and not in a good way.
P.J. Fleck was just hired on as the new head coach of the Golden Gophers football team after Tracey Claeys was fired. Many credit the decision to let Claeys go to his involvement in the team’s proposed boycott of the 2016 Holiday Bowl.
The coaching change and the awkward failed boycott show

It seems like it wasn’t too long ago that Brock Turner’s mug shot was all over the news. The Stanford student had been convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, and was sentenced to six months in prison by Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky.
Outrage over the sentence erupted. Many believe that the six month sentence was merely a “slap on the wrist,” considering the prosecution had asked for six years in prison – something